
I was born on the darkest night of Saturn, 
under a waxing crescent moon.
I was domiciled 
in a place where evil loomed day and night.
my dreams were massacred 
before I ever dreamt them.
My voice was silenced 
before I ever spoke.
My wings were severed 
before I ever learned to fly,
but I made of my hell 
a fantasy land 
of endless cosmic islands,
a land where faerie mermaids 
sing the prettiest songs.
I floated and swayed 
amongst the rows 
of asters and lilacs. 
I sang to the neon skies, 
and danced 
with the undying willows,
played with the blue tigers 
and watched volcanoes erupt in floral flames. 

I spoke to my moon-Star goddess,
my confidant.
Her eyes were blazing 
and her lips were glowing.
Her crown adorned 
with silver quartz so bright,
and all that covered 
her nakedness was the ink 
of her sacred geometry.
But she fades like my favorite dreams.
The sweet breeze 
gently strokes 
her phosphorescent hair 
and she says to me 
“Child, this isn’t your time again
Go and fight that demon, 
leave him bloodless.”
The image of her always on my mind and her words beautifully etched over my scars.

My reverie governed most of my childhood 
for I knew that one day 
I would dream my own dreams,
I would roar with a voice so strong.
I will fly 
the way I was meant to.